For Attorneys
In addition to representing clients in criminal cases, Greg Rollins offers a number of services for attorneys. Below is a list of services offered for attorneys. If you’re interested in any of these services, please contact me to obtain more information.
Non-Contested Court Appearance
Do you have an upcoming non-contested court appearance on a case in Riverside County? Greg Rollins is familiar with every courthouse in Riverside County and can make appearances on behalf of you or your firm, thus saving you the time and hassle of traveling long distance for a brief court appearance. Contact me if you are interested in having me make a non-contested court appearance.
Contact For Court AppearanceMotion Work
Do you have a motion that needs to be drafted for a case? Perhaps you don’t have the time it takes to draft the motion, or perhaps you prefer spending your time and energy on other things besides legal research and writing. As a former Riverside County prosecutor, Greg Rollins has nearly a decade of experience drafting motions. Greg has also drafted several appellate briefs, one of which he personally argued in front of the California Court of Appeals, 4th District. Contact me if you are interested in having me draft a motion.
Contact For Motion WorkVictim Representation
Do you have a case where you are representing the defendant, but the victim is in contact with you and might benefit from legal representation? Greg Rollins can represent the victim in your case, thereby avoiding any potential conflicts of interest that may arise for you when trying to represent a defendant with an invested victim. In addition, this frees you up to focus all of your energy on your client without having to spend a lot of time and energy also trying to address the needs and wants of the victim. Contact me if you are interested in having me represent a crime victim.
Contact For Victim RepresentationPreliminary Hearing
Do you have an upcoming preliminary hearing on a case? Perhaps you haven’t had much experience with litigation and contested hearings. As a former Riverside County prosecutor, Greg Rollins has nearly a decade of experience with litigation and conducting contested hearings. Greg has conducted hundreds of preliminary hearings and nearly 40 jury trials. Contact me if you are interested in having me litigate a preliminary hearing or other contested court hearing.
Contact For Preliminary HearingExpert Testimony
Are you in need of expert testimony? As a former prosecutor, Greg Rollins has unique experience in several areas that could be beneficial to your case. Below, I have provided a brief curriculum vitae to give you an idea of my background. Contact me if you are interested in having me testify as an expert.
General Background Information
- Member, Riverside County Bar Association
- Prosecutor, Riverside County DA’s Office (2010-2020)
- Law Clerk, Riverside County DA’s Office (2008, 2009)
- 2018 CAPIO Epic Award Recipient, California Association of Public Information Officials
- 2018 Unit of the Year, Domestic Violence, Riverside County DA’s Office
- 2012 MADD Outstanding Prosecutor Award, Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- 2012 Misdemeanor Prosecutor of the Year, Riverside County DA’s Office
- 2011 Misdemeanor Prosecutor of the Year, Riverside County DA’s Office
Narcotics Expertise
- Featured in award-winning Butane Honey Oil public awareness video Riverside County DA’s Office (2018)
- Instructed courses on Butane Honey Oil for DA, law enforcement, and fire personnel
- Narcotics Unit-Riverside County DA’s Office (2013-2015)
- Major Narcotics Unit-Riverside County DA’s Office (2015-2017)
- California Narcotics Officers Association Member (2015, 2016, 2017)
Domestic Violence Expertise
- Domestic Violence Unit-Riverside County DA’s Office (2018-2020)
Work with Gregory Rollins