10 Ways To Avoid Being Pulled Over By The Cops

By: Gregory Rollins
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10 Ways To Avoid Being Pulled Over By The Cops
Getting pulled over by the cops is never fun. We’ve all been there. We’ve all had that sudden feeling of panic when we suddenly notice a cop car behind us or up ahead pointing a radar gun in our direction. Getting pulled over is scary, and inconvenient. Getting pulled over can lead to a ticket, being arrested, or having your car towed. No one wants to deal with that.
Below are 10 possible ways to minimize your chances of getting pulled over by law enforcement:
- Obey all traffic laws.
This is probably the #1 way people get pulled over. Cops can pull people over for any traffic violations they see. Sometimes when we drive we are careless, in a hurry, or just plain not paying attention. As a result, we do things like speed, make an unsafe lane change, make an illegal U-turn, or run a stop sign. The more traffic laws you obey, the less reasons a cop will have to pull you over. - Do not make illegal modifications to your car.
Often times we like to upgrade our cars to make them look cool. But be careful about making illegal modifications to your car like tinting the windows too dark or removing the muffler to make the car louder. Any illegal modifications that a cop sees to your car gives him a legitimate excuse to pull you over. The less illegal modifications you make to your car, the less reasons a cop will have to pull you over. - Be aware of your surroundings.
Sometimes when we’re on the road, we become so focused on driving, that we forget to pay attention to our surroundings. Being aware of the surroundings can help reduce your risk of being pulled over. For example, if everyone is suddenly breaking ahead, slow down. Not only does this help you stay safe, but everyone may also be slowing down because they see a cop up ahead. Of if you are coming up on a spot where you know cops like to catch speeders, slow down. The more aware you are of your surroundings, the less likely you are to be caught by surprise when you see a cop. - Don’t drive distracted.
We are all guilty of driving distracted at one time or another in our lives. But driving distracted is dangerous. Not only does distracted driving lead to accidents, but cops love pulling over distracted drivers. When we text and drive or talk on the phone while driving without using a hands-free device, we are breaking the law. And as we all know, cops love to pull over people they catch breaking the law. So, the less you drive distracted, the safer you’ll be and the less reasons a cop will have to pull you over. - Don’t drive drowsy.
Driving drowsy is never a good idea. Drowsy drivers are not alert, they aren’t very responsive to what’s happening on the road around them, and they are unsafe drivers. Cops pull over drowsy drivers all the time because of their unsafe driving, which often mirrors the unsafe driving patterns of a drunk driver. The less you drive drowsy, the safer you’ll be and the less reasons a cop will have to pull you over. - Don’t drive while under the influence.
Driving under the influence is also never a good idea. We all know the dangers posed by drunk drivers. Cops are constantly on the lookout for suspected drunk drivers and they are experts when it comes to identifying potential drunk drivers and pulling them over. What’s more, even if a person is not drunk when they’re pulled over, a cop could still arrest them if they suspect they may be drunk. That means that even if you have one drink before driving, you could still be arrested for DUI. If you’ve been drinking, it’s always best to play it safe and let someone else drive of to get a ride. The less you drink before driving, the safer you’ll be and the less reasons a cop will have to pull you over. - Don’t drive in an unsafe or reckless way.
Some people think it is fun, cool, or exciting to drive recklessly or dangerously. Some people engage in street-racing or burnouts or donuts in the parking lot. Engaging in these sorts of driving activities is just asking for the cops to pull you over. The less you drive in unsafe or reckless ways, the safer you’ll be and the less reasons a cop will have to pull you over. - Don’t do illegal activities in your car that can be observed by others.
Cops are always on the lookout for people breaking the law. A cop can pull you over anytime he can see you obviously breaking the law. So for example, don’t be doing things like drinking while driving, doing illegal drugs while driving, or brandishing weapons while driving. The less illegal activities you do while driving, the less reasons a cop will have to pull you over. - Get repairs made on your car as soon as possible.
We’ve all had a busted tail light or a broken windshield. Unfortunately, cops can pull drivers over and issue “fix-it” tickets for things they can see on your vehicle that the law requires to be repaired in order to drive that vehicle on the streets. The less unrepaired items you have on your vehicle, the less reasons a cop will have to pull you over. - Don’t put anything on your car that will draw the attention of law enforcement.
Cops love pulling people over that they suspect may be committing illegal activity. For example, a car with pro-marijuana bumper stickers on it is going to draw far more attention from the cops than a car without those sort of bumper stickers. The less items you have on your car that attract the cops’ attention, the less reasons a cop will have to find a reason or an excuse to pull you over.
Criminal defense attorney and former Riverside County prosecutor Gregory Rollins uses his unique experience and expertise to defend the rights of the accused, provide meaningful legal advice to his clients, and to fight for the best possible outcome for every client in every case. If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, it is important to make sure that your rights (or those of your loved-one) are protected.
Contact criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor Gregory Rollins to set up a free consultation.